Monday, March 10, 2014

Mario Henriquez        
Dr. Smith
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

What do you think about ads, are they informative or mentally toxic for our brain?
In the passage of “hype,” by Lasn Kalle, the author argues that advertisements are mental pollutions in our society. Lasn claims that anywhere that you stop by, as an example from the passage, in the gas station while you are putting gas into your car, in the nozzle you see an ad and also at the bank while you are waiting for the machine to spit out your money an ad pops out. Although the author consider ads as mental pollution, I think ads are helpful because maintain us inform of what is happening in our society.
I remember that one day, I wanted to go to the movie theater with my friends from school. We could not decide what to watch in the movie theater because the three of us did not know what the recent movie was playing on theaters. While we were on the platform waiting for the train, we saw an ad of a new movie that was going to be play on that night. That ad, bring us the attention because it was relate to action and cartoons that we saw when we were so young. It was about the Batman movie, we decided to watch it because the preview that was shown on the ad reflects what was going to show in the movie. We went to the movie theater and saw Batman. It was fantastic just as it was showed in the ad where we were waiting for the train.
Another as that I saw, it was when I was watching a Hispanic series. It was about people who is taking Medicaid or any government help, could apply for citizenship for free of cost. I immediately called my sister, who was waiting for her tax return to use that money to apply for the citizenship. I told her what I saw on television and she told me that, she has not seen anything about because she did not have enough time to watch television. I gave her the information, she called and qualified for the citizenship of free cost because she is taking food stamps. Thanks for the advertisement that I saw on television, my sister did not pay for her citizenship and saved her money.
Other ad that brought everybody attention in our country, was about a missing child who escape from the school that he was attending. Such advertisement, describes the child in case if someone finds o sees him. In the ad, he was showed as a special child who is mute and has some mental problems. He was named Avonte Oquendo who unfortunately ,the authorities  found his cadaver at the Queens’s river but before he was found, in every community or anyplace you go, people were talking about him because it took months to find him, and the authorities were offering a lot of money for the person who find the child. I remember that, there were ads on the train, buses  even in the highways while you were driving an ad was displayed  and also on my cellphone while I was listening a Pandora station for music, an ad about this child came out.

As I said before, advertisements keep us every day inform about anything that is new in our environment. In the passage of “Hype,” the author has its own opinion of how she sees advertisements which is respectful but I think that advertisements are part of our life.

1 comment:

  1. very nice opening! excellent hook. objective summarize and very well personal example.
